Welcome to the Official Website of McKade Marshall
"I have really been enjoying your videos. God has surely blessed you. You have such a special way in your speaking. It is so calming and not rushed. I may be
a little prejudice, but I could listen to you talk about God all day. You make it so interesting for the listener. Way to go, good job!!!!"
- Michelle Stewart (De Leon,
"God spoke to my current circumstances through McKade's words in his booksFinding Your Keys, BreatheandTasting the Goodness of God,seasonal newsletters, and onlineWord of the Weekvideos. They reaffirmed a lot of God's love for me. God's gifted McKade with a beautiful eloquence in writing and has given him one of the most encouraging,
driven spirits I have ever encountered."
- Andrew Cauble (Redding,
"I bumped into McKade through a
mutual acquaintance on Twitter; his tweets were thought provoking, uplifting, encouraging, and VERY positive. Through that 'meeting' I
began to follow him on Facebook, where I learned of his writings. Then I read his devotional book Tasting the Goodness of God.
I was going through deep
heartbreak over the death of my husband when the LORD led me to this young man. Even though my husband was a believer, I knew one day we would be worshipping Jesus together face to face. For me, it
was a struggle to move through all the changes that came about as a result of the loss. One of the many beautiful things about the LORD is how creatively He brings answers to our prayers. My heart
rejoices in God's goodness, His sense of purpose, and His timing. I count it a blessing to know McKade, as God has clearly used these books & YouTube messages in my life."
- Lois Yandt (Moscow,
"McKade continuously reminds his
readers, and myself, of the goodness of God in his books Tasting the Goodness of God, Breathe, and Finding Your Keys. In a culture where God is questioned, pushed out, and regarded in negative ways, my soul is always
refreshed through McKade's devotions and encouraging words. Thanks for staying sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of God, McKade!"
- Pastor Ian Dancer
(Metuchen, New Jersey)
"McKade has a God-given ability
for expressing God's truth with simplicity but also with deep revelation. He is able through his teachings and writings to inspire us to taste and see that the Lord is good. What McKade has gained in
his time with the Lord is evident in his book Breathe. I made sure everyone in our church family received a copy of the book. McKade's heart is to
impart God's powerful truth and love into as many hearts as he possibly can. He has reached lives of those in many other countries through YouTube videos, and there is no doubt that God has so much more for him going forward."
- Pastor Janet Chapman
(Albany, Texas)
"McKade is an inspiration.
Tasting the Goodness of God comes when we're making New Year's resolutions (the annual #31DayChallenge) and reminds us how to be thankful, to seek, and to love one another. Breathe gives us courage to keep knocking and
seek God. It helps us make Jesus visible. It teaches us how to live the good life by following Jesus in prayer. Thank You Lord for the tools McKade furnishes to help us achieve the works of the
- Beverly Rogers (Albany,
"McKade Marshall is a dynamic
writer who seeks God's wisdom to inspire him for all his writings. McKade wants his readers to be touched and given insight to God's Word. Be encouraged by his writing to live the greater life which
gives us the desire to dig deeper into his books and God's Holy Word. Taste God's anointing and breath that is on every word of McKade's books Finding
Your Keys, Breathe, and Tasting the Goodness of God. Enjoy!"
- Tonya Hopper
(Brownwood, Texas)
"In my years of knowing McKade
Marshall the greatest thing I have taken away from our friendship is his love for Christ. His passion, desire, and zeal to do God's will above his own and to encourage others in faith is epitomized
in his works Tasting the Goodness of God, Breathe, and Finding Your Keys! The way McKade not only writes, but lives his own life inspires me to be zealous after Him. McKade's core message: spend time with Jesus and do it every single
day! It's easy to make Christ solely Lord of your salvation, but McKade exemplifies what it means to make Christ the Lord of your life in his books, newsletters, and videos. I see Christ through McKade
- Pastor Jake Wade
(Colleyville, Texas)
"I met a man of God, McKade
Marshall, whom I now call my friend - someone I have a great deal of respect for, who is a very kind Christian man. McKade has written a book called Tasting the Goodness of God, which I purchased. It has 31 daily devotionals and Scripture reading in it. This book has changed my life! It is a great learning tool to accompany reading
your Bible, and it is a book that will make you a better person. I have read this book four times, and I will continue to read it again and again. Each time I read it I discover that I am a better
person and closer to God. I have told myself that this year, every month that has 31 days in it, I will be reading Tasting the Goodness of God.
Then there is a second book that McKade wrote called Breathe, and Breathe is exactly what you do when you read it. It is such an inspirational
book. I have read it 3 times already. McKade is really a blessing to me since reading his books. He has helped me get closer to our Lord and Savior. Now I cannot wait to read his new book Finding Your Keys, which I know will be an excellent read. I know it will be a true inspiration. McKade has made a difference in my walk with our Lord and
Savior. His writing and knowledge have brought my faith to the next level. He is truly an inspiration!"
Looking to Donate? Over one hundred copies of Tasting the Goodness of Godhave been donated to youth and prisons to spread the good
news of Jesus Christ. Your donations make these special opportunities possible!